From: Inna Bakker <>
Date: Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 8:07 AM
Subject: # 8. England. Bath and Plymouth
To: Ilya Grozovsky <>
We came to South England.
Town of Bath settle on river Avon, famous for Roman bath, pools with
mineral healing water, see Roman style buildings, museum of
Roman bath, famous English writer Jane Austin spent time here
for healing her father.
First English king was crowned in Bath,
Here are a lot of sculptures of owls of different colors and
owl of Minerva- Roman goddess of war, art, wisdom and healing.
Than we drove to Plymouth famous for port from which ship
Mayflower sailed to America with first pilgrims in 1620 , see photo
they came to the shores of Massachusetts and named the place
of embarkment Plymouth which I visited with my son Ilya when
he was in school.
We had a cruise of the harbor and see spectacular rainbow-
look at photos.
Now we are off to Stonehenge.